Here They Are: Sa & International Guest Poets At 2016 Dancing In Other Words
Curators Breyten Breytenbach, Dominique Botha and Neo Muyanga are delighted to reveal the confirmed line-up of acclaimed poets and thinkers, from South Africa and abroad, participating in the third international Spier Poetry Festival, dancing in other words, on Saturday 7 May:
From South Africa, JAMES MATTHEWS, our original 'dissident poet', born in the Bo-Kaap some eight plus decades ago; Professor KEORAPETSE WILLIE KGOSITSILE, our national poet laureate; and poet and novelist YVETTE CHRISTIANSË, South African-born, Australian-raised and currently residing in the US. Joining them on the dance floor will be, from Lagos, one of Nigeria's leading performance poets and festival directors, EFE PAUL AZINO; from Paris, acclaimed French philosopher and thinker-poet MICHEL DEGUY; Madame MARAM AL-MASSRI Syrian-born, Paris-based and recent winner of the Dante Alighieri Prize; and HANS C. TEN BERGE, Dutch-born poet, essayist and translator. The group is joined by M. GEORGES LORY, French translator of, among others, Krog and Gordimer.
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Visit the Spier Poetry Festival website to discover more about these poets, and keep abreast of news about these and your favourite participants from previous festivals on our blog.