Farmer Angus Receives Good Earth Keeper Award
Our very own Farmer Angus has received a Good Earth Keeper Award from Compassion in World Farming, an international organisation that campaigns for farm animal welfare. The award was given for his humane treatment of the animals that are farmed at Spier.
Tozie Zokufa, Compassion in World Farming’s representative in South Africa said, “Angus McIntosh puts commercial farming with animals into a class of its own. For virtually the same price as the produce that emanates from factory farms, his laying hens and broiler chickens enjoy lives thoroughly worth living and their end is as humane as it gets.”
Farmer Angus received his award at a glittering Green Tie fund-raising dinner/dance/auction on Saturday, 20th October organized by Soil for Life in co-operation with Compassion in World Farming.